What Is a Gum Graft and How Does That Help?

If you are suffering from gum disease, you are probably experiencing gums that pull away and recede from your teeth. And if you are not yet, you could be soon. While prevention is the key to helping stop gum disease, it is little help if your gums have already started to move. Exposing more of your teeth is a cosmetic issue — who wants to look at a smile filled with teeth that are way too long? — but because this exposes parts of your teeth normally covered, it can increase your chances of tooth decay. To combat this, Dr. Steven Airey can perform a gum graft. This oral surgery technique takes healthy gum tissue and attaches it to the receding gums, covering your teeth back up and bringing your gumline back to where it belongs. Give Appalachian Dental Care a call at 828-264-9938 to schedule your consultation with our dentist and learn more about gum grafting in Boone, North Carolina.

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